Archive for December 2005

First Run of the Season

Wednesday, 28 December 2005

Weather: 40 degrees F, Fog advisory and humid
Miles: 3
Route: Top of Berkey Hill and back
Afterward: Hard to breathe (congestion and asthma with no geeky inhaler)
Listened to: Smattering of songs ("We are the reason" [nostagia], "Time to Say Goodbye" [opera wanna be], a bit of "Wait, wait, don't tell me" and "iTunes Music Tuesday."

Sunday, Lori and I run in the Figid 5k in Warsaw.

Colin and Santa

Sunday, 18 December 2005

Colin and Santa
Originally uploaded by vergil66.

It took about an hour to get to Santa (that is, an hour to literally get from Day Road to the Mall…and then an additional 45 minutes). But, Colin had a mission to give the big guy a list: two books and a Thomas engine wash set.

Evan a part of the 12

Tuesday, 13 December 2005

Evan a part of the 12
Originally uploaded by vergil66.

Evan and 11 other GCS students got perfect scores on the ISTEP exam. Evan got a perfect score on the Math section.

Chess Tourney Buddies

Thursday, 8 December 2005

Chess Tourney Buddies
Originally uploaded by vergil66.

Evan enjoys a moment with Nathan at the Goshen Scholastic Chess Tourney Dec. 3. Evan went 3/3 in his very first tournament.

This was also a first for me: the first chess parent experience. Advise to new chess parents: bring lots of change for the concession stand (candy is good) and bring comic books (Calvin and Hobbes was a hit) and don't try to grade papers during the wait.